An inclusionary martial arts program for children with special needs (in particular those with Autism Spectrum Disorder) and their neurotypical peers
- New York State Permanently Certified Special Education Teacher specializing in martial arts instruction for children with ASD and their neurotypical peers.
- Physical fitness / strengthening instruction inclusive of Tae Kwon Do, stretching/breathing exercises, and tumbling to a background of motivational instrumental music
- Group sessions are formed to best meet a child's needs/level of functioning
- Program includes tactile sensory activities promoting gross and fine motor skill enhancement.
- 6+ years experience in the New York City Department of Education (self-contained classrooms and CTT including children with PDD-NOS, Autism, Asperger's syndrome, and diverse undiagnosed learning disabilities and behavioral/emotional disorders)
- ABA Analyst
- FAP (Families as Partners) certified
Help us help children with ASD and their families.
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